Physcia aipolia
(Hoary Rosette Lichen)
Thallus ~ 15 mm diameter
On the bark of a honey locust tree
Associated Species: Gleditsia triacanthos (Honey Locust)
Polycauliona polycarpa
On an apple tree branch.
Apothecia ~ 1 mm diameter.
Protoparmeliopsis muralis
(Stonewall Rim Lichen)
On horizontal side of a concrete block of the front garden. ~ 3.5 cm diameter
(Rosette Lichens, Frost Lichens, and Allies)
On bark of silver maple tree
The left photo is on site after a morning rain.
Center and left photos are with dissecting scope, after wetting with water (center) and after drying overnight (right).
Parmelia sulcata
(Shield Lichen)
Evernia sp.
(Oakmoss Lichens)
Caloplaca sp.
On north side of trunk of silver maple tree, ascus diameter 0.8 mm
Polycauliona sp.
On concrete blocks facing east.
Shrubby sunburst lichen (Polycauliona candelaria) maybe?
On bark of Black Locust tree
Parmelia sulcata
(Shield Lichen)
On a European Weeping Birch trunk